Courses & Costs

What can I expect?

Based in Surrey, I offer 1:1 courses in CBTi of either 4 or 6 sessions, as well as ad hoc appointments to address general concerns about improving sleep. I like to work in-person as much as possible, but am also happy to complete appointments via Zoom where necessary or preferred.


1:1 CBTi Courses

  • The first 1-hour consultation is an opportunity for me to get a deeper understanding of your sleep problems, and what you are hoping to achieve. You will be able to ask me questions too, so that you feel reassured that CBTi and I am right for you. I will ask you to complete initial questionnaires and keep a record your sleep as you go through the course. This helps you and I to track your progress and provides us with evidence of improvement.


  • During the following 45-minute appointments we will work through the recommendations of CBTi which consider your current routines, habits, thinking patterns and coping mechanisms, and the impact they may be having on your sleep. I will make recommendations of how you might make changes and help you to plan how you can most effectively implement them. During each consultation we will monitor how these have worked for you and adapt where necessary.


  • You will need to follow the recommendations throughout the weeks between appointments, so it is always good to consider when might be a good time to embark on CBTi. There is never a perfect time to start CBTi but there may be a better time. For example, if you have travel plans or major life events in the near future, it may be best to wait until after these are complete before starting CBTi. If you are unsure, please contact me to discuss.


  • Initial 1 hour consultation:                              £100.00
  • 5 x 45-minute follow up appointments:          £325.00
  • 3 x 45-minute follow up appointments:          £200.00
  • 1 x 45-minute follow up appointment:              £75.00
  • Ad-hoc 30-minute consultation:                       £60.00

Workshops and Talks 

Sleep is key to improving or maintaining, physical and mental health, productivity and problem solving. Poor sleep impacts the health and economy of our communities and businesses. My workshops and talks are an opportunity to support friends, colleagues and employees to improve their sleep and overall wellbeing.

The interactive workshops are aimed at small groups, and will educate participants on sleep, why it's important, why it goes wrong and how to get it back on track. Each person will leave with a personalised plan for how to optimise their own sleep and thus improve their wellbeing. 

Alternatively, I offer talks which can be  incorporated in to your organisation's working day or in-service training. I will share evidence based information and strategies on sleep, why we struggle and how to improve it. 

Both the talks and workshops may be in-person or online. For more details and to discuss your requirements, please get in touch and I will be happy to help.

Ready to Improve Your Sleep?

Take the first step towards better sleep and wellbeing

Contact me today to book a consultation or learn more about our services.

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