Feedback from the Sleep Workshop...

I offer workshops for both workplaces and individuals.

David - January 2023

'It was a really good insight in to how to make simple changes in behaviour to improve sleep when you have an episode. I felt as though looking at the reasons, as well as not self pressurising was validating. I sometimes am able to "let it go" and it does work.'

Tanya - May 2023

'It has inspired me! I know that we may think that we know a lot about sleep, but I think that the way you presented was excellent. It was very interesting, especially re getting up and getting into the light and just breaking things down into smaller chunks, to make them more achievable.

I am already getting into a better bedtime routine.

Thank you Helen I learnt a lot.'

Mrs & Mrs I -May 2023

‘We thought the sleep workshop was brilliant. We appreciated that it wasn’t overloaded with detail but covered what we thought are the important points. And we both felt that there was a positive outcome for us, in terms of understanding and making an achievable plan.’

Feedback from the 1:1 CBTi Course...

Just a few of my clients who have completed the CBT for insomnia course.

Kate - April 2023

'My treatment for insomnia was a very positive experience. My therapist gave me lots of good advice, and was very patient and kind through out the whole process'

NHS Patient - Nov 2022

'I have learnt so much doing CBTi, and  my sleep has improved. The tools I have been given have greatly improved and increased my awareness and knowledge on how to get a good night's sleep. My phone calls  have been so helpful because of the encouragement and empathy'

Martin - October 2023

'I feel like I have come so far'....'It's made my life more pleasant and meaningful'....' I feel positive about the future, and I think there is still more to come'

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